We prefer patient registration forms and referrals are sent prior to the appointment. Alternatively, please arrive 10min early to complete a Patient Registration form if you are attending the clinic for the first time. Please allow up to 1.5 hours for each appointment as often investigations and treatment is completed in-house at time of consultation where possible. We appreciate your time is valuable and although we endeavour to run to our appointment schedule at times emergencies may occur which can lead to delays and longer than expected waiting times. We do apologise for any delays you may incur whilst we give all of our patients a high quality of care.
One of our clinical staff will take you through after you have signed in with our friendly receptionists at the front desk. They will check your visual acuity and may perform other tests or scans in line with your condition before you see the eye specialist. Some conditions require dilation of your pupils so the Ophthalmologist can take a proper look inside your eye. The dilation will make your vision blurry for up to 2 hours. We always recommend that you bring a driver for your appointment or you are welcome to wait until you feel confident to drive again. Reversing drops are also available, however, they may cause a headache.